The CCSD brand identity offers variations for its platform. Each platform has a logo and colors of its own, related to the institutional logo and colors, and based on the same visual style.
All logos are available for download at the bottom of this page.
To guide you and guarantee the best use of this brand identity, you will find a brand charter (French only), summarized in a few main points in English below. Please make sur you follow these rules. All of our logos (CCSD, HAL, Episciences, Sciencesconf, HAL theses, HAL SHS and mediHAL) have the same rules of use and can not be altered in any way or used in situations other than those provided in our charter.
HAL is not an acronym; the form “Hyper Articles en Ligne” should not be used.
Rules of writing
HAL is written in capital letters, with no separators.
HAL is not an acronym, no development should be used.
HAL is not an acronym, no development should be used.
As for the subdivisions of HAL, you should write: HAL theses (a space and no caps), HAL SHS (a space, no separators), mediHAL (no space and no caps), auréHAL (no caps, an accent) and dataHAL (no caps, no space).
Episciences is written with a single capital letter at the beginning of the name, as well as Sciencesconf.
Rules of use and logos formats
Each logo is available in several versions:
- fullsize (with the baseline) and reduced (only the logo)
- CMYK/RGB for light or dark backgrounds, white
The fullsize and coloured version is to be prefered (CMYK for printing, RGB on screen).
The logos are surrounded by a protection area: nothing should appear inside this area (pictures, texts, graphism, other logos), and it can’t be cut.
This area is equal to the radius of the HAL circle, for all logos and all of their versions.
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For an optimal readability, the logo should not be smaller than follows:
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The logos of the CCSD and its platform are the exclusive property of the CCSD. They can only be used to identify the CCSD and its own services: HAL, Episciences, Sciencesconf, HAL theses, HAL-SHS, mediHAL and auréHAL.
Variations or alterations of the logos (colours, shapes) are not allowed, including on websites within the platforms perimeter (HAL portals or collections, conferences managed on Sciencesconf).
A few rules must be applied when using any of the logos:
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Colours and fonts
For better identification purposes, each service is represented by a signature colour: orange for HAL, cyan for Episciences, and purple for Sciencesconf
The CCSD Blue is a shared colour, making the whole consistent. Depending on the shape of the sign, this blue is the starting point of a gradient towards the signature colour of each service.
The font for the CCSD and its services is CCSD Manrope. It is available for downloading in the Printing Kit below. Its use is strictly limited to productions directly related to CCSD and its services.
In order to maximise compatibility with all browsers and languages, you may use the Noto Sans for the web.
Printing Kit
Download the ZIP file below for the foloowing logos:
- CCSD, HAL, Episciences, Sciencesconf, HAL SHS, HAL theses and mediHAL
- Fullsize and reduced versions
- CMYK versions for light and dark backgrounds, and white version
- PDF et JPG formats
and the CCSD Manrope font.
SVG logos
Each ZIP file below contains, for the corresponding logo:
- Fullsize and reduced versions
- RGB versions for light and dark backgrounds, and white version
- SVG format
PNG logos
Each ZIP file below contains, for the corresponding logo:
- Fullsize and reduced versions
- RGB versions for light and dark backgrounds, and white version
- PNG format