
Approved by the Open Science Steering Committee on July 16, 2020, the governance of the CCSD is effective since 2021. It includes HAL users, whether they be researchers or institutions, to its monitoring.

The Steering Committee

  • Defines the global strategy of the CCSD (and especially of HAL ) and arbitrates the priority axes according to the proposals of the orientation committee;
  • Approves the budget and overall resources of the CCSD;
  • ensures the coherence of the pricing policy related to the HAL portals;
  • Validates the annual activity report and the financial statement of the CCSD;
  • Proposes and deliberate on the admission of a new supervising body;
  • Appoints the director of the CCSD;
  • Appoints the members of the international scientific council.
  • Voting rights: supervising bodies CNRS, INRAE, Inria;
  • Advisory voice: MESR, CPU, dir. CCSD;
  • A president is appointed from among the representatives of the institutions for a period of 2 years.
Steering Committee members
As of January 1st, 2023
CNRS presidency (2021-2022)
Voting members:
  • CNRS : Alain Schuhl, Chief Research Officer / (Sylvie Rousset, head of Open Research Data Board (DDOR)),
  • INRAE : Odile Hologne, Director for Open Science / (Emmanuelle Jannès Ober, Assistant Director for Open Science),
  • Inria : Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Deputy CEO for Science / (Laurent Romary, Director of Scientific Culture and Information).
Advisory members:
  • MESR : Odile Contat, head of Scientific and Technical Information and Information Network Department / (Marin Dacos, Open Science Advisor to the Director-General for Research and Innovation),
  • CPU : Lise Dumasy, Open Science Advisor to the CPU / (Paul Indelicato, Research Advisor to the CPU),
  • CCSD : Nathalie Fargier, director.
Standing invitee:
  • CNRS : Laurent Barbieri, Regional Deputy / (Aurélie de Sousa, Assistant Regional Deputy).
Recorder: Aude Allandrieu, Administrative Manager of the CCSD.
The steering committee meets twice a year.

Orientation Committee

  • Proposes scientific and technical orientations for the CCSD and for HAL to the Steering committee;
  • Centralizes and prioritizes the needs of all CCSD users.
  • CNRS, INRAE, Inria,
  • MESR,
  • Director of the  CCSD,
  • President of the international scientific council,
  • 6 representatives of users of CCSD’s platforms:
    • 4 universities or schools, 1 research organism designated by the partners assembly,
    • 1 representative from another of the CCSD’s platforms.
Orientation Committee members
As of January 1st, 2023
CNRS presidency (2021-2022)
Steering Committee members:
  • CNRS : Alain Schuhl, Chief Research Officer / (Sylvie Rousset, head of Open Research Data Board (DDOR)),
  • INRAE : Odile Hologne, Director for Open Science / (Emmanuelle Jannès Ober, Assistant Director for Open Science),
  • Inria : Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Deputy CEO for Science / (Laurent Romary, Director of Scientific Culture and Information),
  • MESR : Odile Contat, head of Scientific and Technical Information and Information Network Department / (Marin Dacos, Open Science Advisor to the Director-General for Research and Innovation),
  • CPU : Lise Dumasy, Open Science Advisor to the CPU / (Paul Indelicato, Research Advisor to the CPU),
  • CCSD : Nathalie Fargier, director.
Head of the International Scientific Council:
  • Vincent Larivière, Professor at University of Montréal.
Elected representatives of the HAL’s Partners Assembly:
  • Nicolas Alarcon, Research Services Officer – SCD of the University of Réunion Island,
  • Chérifa Boukacem, Open Science Specialist for the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
  • Nicolas Fressengeas, Open Science Policy Officer for Université de Lorraine,
  • Marie-Madeleine Géroudet, head of Services to Research and Researchers department – SCD of the University of Lille,
  • Françoise Rousseau-Hans, head of Promotion of Information Service of the CEA.
Representative of another CCSD platform:
  • Claude Kirchner, head of Episciences Steering Committee.
Recorder: Aude Allandrieu, Administrative Manager of the CCSD.
The orientation Committee is chaired by the President of the Steering Committee. It meets prior to the Steering Committee meetings.

HAL's Partners Assembly

  • Identifies the needs of the institutions having a HAL portal and reports them to the Orientation committee;
  • Appoints representatives to the Orientation Committee taking into account the different statutes of the institutions (university-organization-school).
  • One representative for each institution that has a HAL portal and makes an annual financial contribution to the CCSD;
  • The representative has an overview of his/her institution’s policy on open access to publications and open science. He/she reports to the President/Director of the institution.
Elected representatives of the Partners Assembly
As of July 1st, 2021

List of HAL Partners

College A (universities, schools, colleges)
  • Chérifa Boukacem, Open Science Specialist for the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
  • Nicolas Fressengeas, Open Science Policy Officer for Université de Lorraine,
  • Marie-Madeleine Géroudet, head of Services to Research and Researchers department – SCD of the University of Lille.
College B (research organisations)
  • Françoise Rousseau-Hans, head of Promotion of Information Service of the CEA.
  • The Partners assembly meets once a year.
  • It is organized in colleges to designate its representatives to the Orientation Committee.
  • Its members participate in working groups established and facilitated by the CCSD.
  • A discussion list allows the exchange of information.

International Scientific Council

  • Provides advices and recommendations;
  • Contributes to the scientific and technological watch and to the international visibility of the programs of the CCSD;
  • Advises on partnership prospects with third parties, propose European and international collaborative initiatives and actions.
  • 11 qualified personalities, French and international experts in the fields of open science, publication, open archives and research data.
International Scientific Council members
As of 24 May, 2022
  • Bianca Amaro (IBICT),
  • Rachel Bruce (Head of Open Science, UKRI),
  • Donatella Castelli (Senior Researcher, CNR),
  • Ingrid Dillo (Deputy Director, DANS),
  • Wolfram Horstmann (Library Director, U. Göttingen),
  • Irina Kuchma (Open Access Program Manager, EIFL),
  • Vincent Larivière (Professor, U. Montréal) [President of the ISC],
  • Florian Naudet (Researcher, U. Rennes 1),
  • Johan Rooryck (Executive Director, Coalition S),
  • Kathleen Shearer (Executive Director, COAR),
  • Paul Thirion (Head Librarian, U. Liège).
The committee meets twice a year.

Operational management: CCSD

The CCSD pilots the HAL infrastructure and the different CCSD platforms (Episciences, Sciencesconf).
  • it ensures the operational management and the development of the infrastructure;
  • it implements the decisions of the Steering Committee;
  • it animates the network of HAL portals;
  • it facilitates consultation with the user committees of its platforms;
  • it ensures the communication and the valorization of the activities of the CCSD and HAL in particular.