COAR Notify
Repository and Services Interoperability Project
Comité pour la Science Ouverte
Discover the Comité pour la science Ouverte
Publications College
- To initiate actions identified by the research communities or specialists;
- To shape or make shape actions pursuant to the political orientations and decisions relayed by the CoSO;
- To give an opinion about the different subjects submitted to CoSO within its field of skills;
- To follow the activity of the project groups arising from its field of skills.
Preprint Platforms project group
- To provide researchers from all disciplines with a decision support application helping them to make a choice;
- To inform them about the main characteristics of these platforms and, qualitatively, their degree of openness – in the sense of open science;
- To list the services and tools used by these platforms (formatting of manuscripts, peer-review, publication formats, etc.) or which may contribute to their development;
- To ensure an international distribution and audience for this application.
Publication and Self-Archiving Policies working group
- To rethink how French journals’ publication policies are collected, formatted and distributed in terms of the dissemination of articles and deposits in open archives;
- To give these policies international visibility in partnership with the JISC and the Sherpa Romeo service;
- To steer the implementation of a new operational mechanism which the Mir@bel network has been asked to run;
- To ensure that journals and their publishers are supported in this transition;
- To study the right mechanisms to automate the exchange between publishers and open archives of metadata associated with published articles.
Open Archives working group
PID Policy and Implementation
Scholarly Infrastructures of Research Software
Research Product Publishing
The goal of the this working group (WG) is to define a Research Publishing framework to simplify the adoption of that practice, by enabling the services of research infrastructures to seamlessly integrate repository deposition workflows in the context of the EOSC.
Documents & productions:
Bardi, A., Manghi, P., Gonzalez Lopez, J. B., Ariyo, C., Czerniak, A., van Dongen, P. G., Kakaletris, G., Palma, R., Peroni, S., van Piggelen, H., van de Sanden, M., Scardaci, D., Schirrwagen, J., Testi, D., Tournoy, R., Vipavc, I., Grbac, D., Enell, C.-F., Aben, G., … van Kemenade, J. (2023). EOSC IF Interoperability Guideline: Access to content via PID (2.1). Zenodo.
Bardi, A., Manghi, P., Gonzalez Lopez, J. B., Ariyo, C., Czerniak, A., van Dongen, P. G., Kakaletris, G., Palma, R., Peroni, S., van Piggelen, H., van de Sanden, M., Scardaci, D., Schirrwagen, J., Testi, D., Tournoy, R., Vipavc, I., Grbac, D., Enell, C.-F., Aben, G., … van Kemenade, J. (2023). EOSC-IF / Interoperability Guideline: Research Product Deposition (2.0). Zenodo.
Open Science Strategies
- To identify emerging and analyse existing policies regarding Open Science;
- To analyse and assess open science business models relevant for the OpenAIRE communities;
- To carry out/ commission studies about Open Science policy emerging trends;
- To identify innovative services, tools and business models to serve open science.
Services and Technologies Standing Committee
Training & Support
ORCID API work group
Some participations are no longer active, either because the working group itself is no longer active, or because the participant’s mandate has ended. These are listed below.
The purpose of the Open scientific Publishing permanent group is to build and organise the community of public stakeholders around open and sustainable digital scholarly publishing activities.