The CCSD offers information webinars about Open Science and the platforms it develops in relation with the national Open Science policy.
Previous Open Science talks
Opening up one's publications all the while preserving one's rights: what are the options?
Open Science Talks #8
12th March, 2024, 2:00 pm
After a first webinar in 2023 devoted to the use of licences in the context of submitting publications to HAL, this webinar offered to focus on two solutions in particular: the “strategy of non-assignment of rights” on the one hand and the “Contract for the assignment of copyright on a contribution to a periodical, on a non-exclusive basis” drafted for public scientific publishing. These two initiatives are supported by the Open Science Committee, which is responsible for implementing the national open science policy.
Speakers: Benoît Pier, research director at the Laboratoire de mécanique des fluides et d’acoustique (LMFA/CNRS), member of the Publications College of the Open Science Committee and co-redactor of the guide for Rights retention strategy ; Daniel Battesti, publisher at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Dijon and Cécile Beauchamps, publisher at Presses universitaires de Caen.
The proper use of licenses for the deposit of publications in HAL
Open Science Talks #7
30th May, 2023, 2:00 pm
This webinar covered the concept of licenses, brought elements of answer to preconceptions concerning them and presented use cases in connection with the deposit of publications in HAL met by the depositors
Speaker: Lionel Maurel, Scientific Assistant Director for Open Science, scientific publishing and research data (InSHS, CNRS)
The French Open Science Monitor
Open Science Talks #6
10th March, 2023
How can we measure the openness of science and the impact of the public policy in favor of Open Science that has been in place for several years now? This is the objective of the French Open Science Monitor, developed by the French Ministery of Higher Education and Research.
This webinar presented the monitor and the new features for the 2023 edition, as well as the role of HAL as a data source. The monitor is also available at institutional levels, as shown by the example of IMT Mines Albi
This webinar presented the monitor and the new features for the 2023 edition, as well as the role of HAL as a data source. The monitor is also available at institutional levels, as shown by the example of IMT Mines Albi
Speakers: Laetitia Bracco (Université de Lorraine), Eric Jeangirard (Ministery of Higher Education and Research), Anne L’Hôte (Ministery of Higher Education and Research), Pierre Diaz (IMT Mines Albi)
The Open Science policy of funding agencies and their application in HAL
Open Science Talks #5
27th September, 2022
In 2020, French funding agencies signed a joint declaration in favor of Open Science.The objective is to define a concerted approach and harmonize their practices. This webinar presents the Open Science policies of the French National Research Agency (ANR) and of the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) ; their use of HAL ; and the features developed in HAL to support these politics.
Speakers: Zoé Ancion (ANR), Bénédicte Kuntziger (CCSD), Sophie Guitton (ANSES)
Plan S and cOAlition S: heading for Open Access with no exception
Open Science Talks Special Issus – HAL’s Partners Assembly
7th July, 2022
Johan Rooryck, executive director of cOAlition S, spoke at the 2nd plenary reunion of the Partners Assembly, on the 7 July, 2022. He presents the Plan S, its stakes and its principles. Transformative journals, rights retention strategy, diamond Open Access: Johan Rooryck goes through the different Open Access routes compatible with Plan S, and how one can support these routes.
Speaker: Johan Rooryck (cOAlition S)
Softwares in HAL: the collaboration between Software Heritage, Inria and the CCSD
Open Science Talks #4
31st May, 2022
Supported by the 2nd National Plan for Open Science, Software Heritage (or SWH) is the first universal archive of software source code. Its purpose is to collect, share and enable the reuse of open source software. The subject of this webinar is the preservation of softwares, and the collaboration of the CCSD with Inria and Software Heritage. This collaboration enables the implementation of software deposits in HAL, and to respond to most use cases for softwares and publications.
Speakers: Roberto Di Cosmo (Software Heritage), Morane Gruenpeter (Software Heritage), Bruno Marmol (CCSD), Alain Monteil (Inria)
Publishing in Diamond Open Access: an example of collaboration between HAL, arXiv, Zenodo or CWI
Open Science Talks #3
5th April, 2022
‘Diamond’ Open Access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do not charge fees to either authors or readers. This webinar presents how Episciences fits in with this model. It also presents the PerEpiga and the HALOWIN projects.
Speakers: Céline Barthonnat (CCSD), Pierre‑Emmanuel Chaput (revue Epiga), Raphaël Tournoy (CCSD)
Recommandations for HAL portals and collections (HAL's new webdesign)
Open Science Talks #2
25th January, 2022
In this webinar, the CCSD and the user club CasuHAL showed the evolutions to come on HAL portals and collections, in the context of the redesign of HAL’s UX, so the portals administrators could prepare for the migration.
Speaker: Yannick Barborini (CCSD)
Animator: Jessica Leyrit (CasuHAL)
HAL's new webdesign
Open Science Talks #1
14th December, 2021
In this webinar, the CCSD offered the members of the Partners Assembly an overview of the project of a new webdesign for HAL, the methodology, the progress made, and the tangible impact on HAL portals.
Speakers: Yannick Barborini (CCSD), Hélène Begnis (CCSD)
Organizing Committee: H. Bégnis, C. Barthonnat, M. Gaigeot, A. Magron, S. Mazzarese (CCSD) and F. Rousseau (CEA, elected HAL Partners assembly).