Stay informed


All the videos produced by the CCSD are shared on Canal-U, the French higher education and research community’s platform for videos, and on Youtube.
The CCSD makes different kind of videos:
  • replays of Open Science Talks and other talks;
  • tutorials, training webinars ;
  • video recording of events.

ActuHAL newsletter

If you encounter any trouble trying to subscribe to the newsletter, please contact us at
Previous issues
2024 #16 #17 #18 #19
2023 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15
2022 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10
2021 #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

Mailing lists

The CCSD runs several mailing and discussion lists to directly inform its users.
  • portails-hal is a mailing list for HAL portal administrators. The CCSD uses it to convey service information, alerts, announcements, etc. about HAL and the administration of HAL portals;
  • collections-hal is a mailing list for HAL collection managers. The CCSD uses it to convey service information, alerts, announcements, etc. about HAL and the management of HAL collections;
  • moderation-hal is a mailing and discussion list for HAL moderators. The CCSD uses it to convey information about the moderation of files on HAL, and moderators are also welcome to ask their questions and chat about the matter on this list.
When the list were created in the Spring of 2022, users with a role of portal administrator, collection manager or moderator were subscribed to these lists.
However, new users with these roles are not automatically subscribed: subscription must be requested to
  • sciencesconf-infos is a discussion list open to organizers of scientific events who use the platform: subscribe

The CCSD on social media

  • @CCSD_fr: CCSD institutional account. It relays news about the unit and the platforms, publications and presentations by the CCSD team, job offers, the planning of training, Open Science news, etc.
  • @HAL_fr: account dedicated to the platform HAL. It relays the evolutions of HAL, the alerts and service information, highlights of publications or portals or collections, etc.
  • @episciences: dedicated to the Episciences platform. News about technical developments, service alerts and information, communications, etc.
  • account dedicated to the platform HAL. It relays the evolutions of HAL, the alerts and service information, highlights of publications or portals or collections, etc.