Pages Accessibility Agenda Annual report 2017 Annual report 2018 Annual report 2019 At the heart of the Open Science network auréHAL Blog Brand guidelines CCSD CCSD Bibliography Communication kit Contact Current projects dataHAL Triplestore Directory of Open Access Preprint Repositories DOAPR Episciences FAIR principles Funding Governance HAL HAL monitor HAL portals HAL’s Partners Assembly HAL+ infrastructure HALiance Project Highlights Home Legal terms Open Science Talks POSI Principles Practical information Projects completed Reference documents Sciencesconf Search Services Sitemap Stay informed Subscription to ActuHAL Team The Ambassadors of HAL Trainings Working Groups
Posts by category Category: CCSD The CCSD published its 2025 action plan Fourth session of the HAL Partners Assembly HAL+ is committed to the principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) HAL and Software Heritage: a new milestone in the partnership for the future of Open Science HAL at the PIDfest conference CCSD: publication of the 2023 activity report Maintaining trust in HAL: the CCSD establishes a research integrity board Open your publications and preserve your rights: what solutions? Scientific integrity and Open Archives : What’s at stake? Infrastructure performance and safety: the latest developments Third session of the HAL Partners Assembly The CCSD published its 2024 action plan nepHAL+ and Édisciences: two new Episciences projects CCSD: publication of the 2022 activity report New websites to present Sciencesconf and Episciences The CCSD publishes its 2023 action plan Update of the CCSD road map (2022-2027) New governance of the CCSD: the International scientific council is established CCSD: publication of the activity report A new branding for the CCSD and its services The first meeting of the partners assembly CCSD : the summary of 2020 New governance of the CCSD: first milestone for a partners assembly This is the end for Héloïse Online training: you’ve been there in 2020! A shared governance and a sustainable financing model for HAL A new director for the CCSD The CCSD welcomes the international community of the open repositories Official opening of Software Heritage Category: Episciences JTCAM: an example of a diamond open access journal Episciences joins the infrastructures supported by the SCOSS coalition Joining COPE: a commitment to scientific integrity and transparency for Episciences Episciences release notes version 1.0.46 – 2024-11-25 Episciences opens up to health sciences Compositionality, a new journal on Episciences Episciences serving bibliodiversity Submitting a preprint to an Episciences journal: a new feature in the HAL deposit form Linking your article with a dataset or software: it’s now easier on Episciences Episciences is now compatible with bioRxiv and medRxiv Episciences in open access diamond publishing in France: results of a survey Articles published on Episciences: automatically enriched metadata Episciences release notes Episciences version 1.0.34 Episciences release notes Episciences version 1.0.33 Episciences release notes Episciences version 1.0.18 Fostering scholarly journals in the digital world: opening the overlay platform Episciences to Social Sciences and Humanities Episciences release notes Episciences version 1.0.11 Changelog for version 1.0.2 Integrate Episciences into EOSC’s catalog of services Episciences release notes The HALOWIN project selected by the French National Fund for Open Science Episciences Release notes Episciences release notes A new feature in Episciences: copy editing Episciences release notes Episciences Release notes Episciences Release notes Episciences release notes Episciences release notes Episciences release notes Episciences release notes Episciences: a survey to better know our users Episciences release notes Episciences release notes Episciences release notes A steering committee for Episciences Category: Episciences release notes Category: HAL Enhance the link between your HAL deposit and a dataset or software: A new feature to increase the visibility of your research Automatic extraction of the research infrastructures from the file: an easy way to complete your deposit Automatic extraction of the license from the file: an easy way to complete your deposit HAL Monitor: A visualization tool for exploring HAL content Submit a conference paper on Sciencesconf and choose to have it automatically sent to HAL Ensuring Open Access: HAL meets Plan S requirements The Deposit Suggestion Service: an overview of the service after 6 months of using it Make it easier to reference ANR projects in your HAL deposits Submitting a preprint to Peer Community In via HAL: a new feature of the deposit form Referencing research infrastructures in HAL: a new metadata in the deposit form HAL’s new service: deposit suggestions for automatic import of Open Access publications Collecting your publications and importing them into HAL: a new and coming soon service The good use of licenses as part of HAL deposit Optimising the HAL services with the use of the ROR identifier for the authors’ affiliations Measuring the openness of science The open science policy of funding agencies and its implementation in HAL HALiance: a structuring and innovative project for HAL Ambassadors for HAL will become National agreement with the publisher Elsevier: implementation of the imports in HAL (step 2) HAL is 20 years old: a look back at the official ceremony held on 24 November 2021 National agreement with the publisher Elsevier: implementation of the imports in HAL Enrich HAL’s repository of authors’ affiliations thanks to the ROR international identifier When free access is not open access Evolution of document typology in HAL: the results of the working group The French National Research Agency (ANR) chooses HAL to promote the researches it funds Complete your ORCID record with your HAL deposits Self-archiving policy: evolution of the display of publishers’ policies COVID-19 : HAL eases access to scientific publications related to the epidemic From ProdInra and Irstea Publications to the HAL-INRAE portal The publication of HAL code: a first step towards open source HAL : more than 600 000 ! Hcéres sets up an open archive portal on HAL HAL in 2018 : 10 deposits per hour HAL: optimization of the referencing and of the dissemination of the contents How to get rid of bots that consult your deposits … The deposit of software is now available on HAL and the portals New interface for submitting in HAL: a first assessment Harvesting, SEO: visibility of your deposits Preserving Software: A collaboration between Software Heritage and the CCSD 15 new institutional portals in 2017 The evolutions of HAL from A to Z HAL: institutional archives in networks Category: News CCSD and COAR announce the launch of a preprint directory CCSD and COAR announce plans to launch preprint directory SciencesConf: the milestone of 10,000 conferences has been reached! Current events for the open science in France Category: Sciencesconf Call for projects: use SciencesConf to manage them