From ProdInra and Irstea Publications to the HAL-INRAE portal

Written by Agnès Magron

The HAL INRAE portal has opened this Monday March 23 and replaces the ProdInra and Irstea Publications institutional archives.

The deposit and validation functionalities are available for the institute’s researchers ; all the publications from ProdInra and Irstea Publications already present in HAL can be displayed in the HAL INRAE portal.

The migration of data from ProdInra and Irstea Publications to the new portal will come during a second step.

Brief history

INRA has an institutional archive, ProdInra, to manage the scientific publications and disseminate them in open access. ProdInra has also been contributing to HAL since 2010.
As the technological base supporting ProdInra started to become obsolete, INRA became a trusteeship of the UMS CCSD and started to allocate some resources to our service.

The objective is to contribute:

  • to the development of HAL, the national infrastructure for open and institutional archives: this mutualization reduces the costs of development and evolutionary maintenance;
  • to the re-appropriation of the scientific publication process by the scientific communities by strengthening the link between HAL and the journals. It should be noted that INRA already archives the articles of the journals it owns and contributes to the bibliodiversity with the overlay journal Journal of data mining and digital humanities;
  • to a research information system dedicated to researchers, in accordance with the principles of open science.

In 2019, INRA has merged with Irstea and the migration of the Irstea archive has been included in the project.

Services available to all

Thanks to the reinforcement allocated to the development of the project, functionalities have been developed and made available to the whole community of HAL users.
One good exemple is the authentication by the identity federation Renater put in production in 2019.

We will soon propose a new post that will focus on the migration of the data.