Complete your ORCID record with your HAL deposits

Written by Agnès Magron

What if you could complete your ORCID record with your publications deposited in HAL? This is now possible, even if you do not (yet) have an account in HAL.

HAL is  now referenced by ORCID as a database that researchers can use to import their works.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent digital identifier to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors. The associated record page, properly completed, is a key component of your digital identity.

How to complete it with HAL?  It’s very simple: from your ORCID record, after logging in, you just have to select HAL in the list of proposed databases:

The system will then ask you if you allow HAL to update your data in ORCID. Afterwards, everything takes place on HAL: you get a list of publications corresponding to the author name of the ORCID record. You then simply click on the ADD TO ORCID button for each publication you wish to add to your record. The status of the button will change to IN YOUR ORCID.

The feature is also available in the HAL menu My space/Send documents to ORCID.

More than a tool to help complete your ORCID record, it will improve the referencing of your deposits: the source of the import is clearly displayed in your ORCID record.

You will have to be patient a little longer to import your publications  from  your ORCID record into HAL. Further developments are necessary to avoid duplicates and automatically improve the quality of some metadata.

ORCID France: a national policy

The setting up of this feature in HAL is part of the membership of the CNRS to ORCID.

ORCID is a non profit organization whose business model is based on free access for researchers, and on membership for organizations. This provides them with a set of tools and services based on ORCID data and APIs.  Joining a consortium is a way for  organizations to benefit from preferential membership rates.

The creation of the  « ORCID France » consortium in november 2019 is one of the actions defined in the National Plan for Open Science (July 2018): be part of a sustainable, European and international dynamic (axis 3). It currently has 35 members.

In addition to launching a national strategy for the identification of researchers, the consortium also aims to strengthen the representation of the French research within ORCID.

The features that HAL has just released, benefit the whole community of researchers and is an important step in the implementation of the National Plan for Open Science.