hal.archives-ouvertes.fr will become hal.science

Written by Agnès Magron

After the evolution of its graphic charter and with the forthcoming deployment of the new ergonomics, HAL continues its mutation: from the end of September, its primary domain will become hal.science, replacing hal.archives-ouvertes.fr. The objective is both to simplify its web address and to improve its international visibility.

So you’ll have to think about updating your bookmarks! But don’t worry, the redirections will be of course assured. It means that if you added the link of a HAL deposit with the address hal.archives-ouvertes in a bibliography for ex, or on a website, the Internet user who will click on this link will be directed to the right resource.

The change will be made from the end of September 2022* for all the sites managed by the CCSD:

As you can see it, your CV on HAL will also change of url for a shorter one: cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/firstname-name will become cv.hal.science/firstname-name.

Portals and collections change their url address too

As all sites with an archives-ouvertes.fr address are concerned, portals and collections will of course benefit from this simplification.
The format will be as follows:

  • for a portal: portalname.hal.science. For example, univ-bourgogne.hal.science or pasteur.hal.science
  • for a collection: hal.science/collectionname or, for a collection attached to a portal: portalname.hal.science/collectionname

However, for portals and collections, the implementation will take place progressively from the end of September 2022 and according to the wishes of the institutions. The deadline for changing the urls is however June 2023.

APIs and OAI server: no change for the moment

The address does not change for the APIs and the OAI server, : you should continue using api.archives-ouvertes and oai.archives-ouvertes.fr.

The timetable for implementation will of course be specified. See you in September!

*Update 06/10/2022: the implementation of this evolution is delayed

*Update 10/01/2023: the implementation is done for the sites managed by the CCSD

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