Call for projects: use SciencesConf to manage them

Written by Agnès Magron

With its new version, the conference platform SciencesConf takes another dimension: the platform offers from now on a new service, SciencesCall, intended for the management of calls for projects.

The CCSD, in partnership with the representatives of the DIM « Matériaux Anciens et Patrimoniaux« , « SIRTEQ » and « RESPORE » and the project DARIAH, was selected by the Region Ile-de-France within the framework of the DIM (Domain of Major interest) for the development of this new service.

SciencesCall was developed around three major axes:

  • Interface with the vocabulary adapted to a call for projects,
  • Management of reviewing by theme,
  • Finer configuration of the evaluation grids for more flexibility.

These last two points are available also for a management of conference.

How to use SciencesCall?
The configuration is managed by the CCSD: you proceed as for the creation of a conference. Then, send an e-mail at to specify that it is a call for projects and you will have access to the SciencesCall interface.
Your call for projects will not be displayed in the list of the conferences available on the SciencesConf portal.