Ambassadors for HAL

Written by Agnès Magron

Because scientific communities are key actors for Open Science practices to become the norm, the CCSD is now launching its HAL Ambassadors programme.

This programme aims to stimulate and strengthen the dialogue between the CCSD and the scientific community. It has two objectives:

  • To help identify problems and needs of the scientific communities about HAL in order to improve the quality and the relevance of the services;
  • To participate to the promotion of the uses of HAL and Open science practices.
Who are they?

For the launch, we wanted a small group of young researchers, from various disciplines, committed to Open Science and having an advanced use of Open Archives and HAL in particular.

Eight of them agreed to join the programme and to engage with the CCSD and its teams:

  • Nga Bellis-Phan: PhD student in History of Law, Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas university
  • Fabien Bièvre-Perrin: university lecturer, Histoire et Culture de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-Age (HisCAnt-Ma), Lorraine university
  • Frédéric Bousefsaf: university lecturer, industrial computing, signal and image processing at the Laboratoire de Conception, Optimisation et Modélisation des Systèmes (LCOMS) of Lorraine university
  • Egon Heuson: researcher, Unité de catalyse et chimie du solide (UCCS), Centrale Lille
  • Camille Jeunet: CNRS researcher, Institut de Neurosciences cognitives et intégratives d’Aquitaine
  • Teva Meyer: university lecturer, geography and geopolitics, Haute-Alsace university
  • Amandine Wattelier-Bricout: D. in Indian Studies, Research Fellow at the Humboldt University (Berlin) within the ERC-DHARMA project
  • Jonathan Zurbach: PhD student, political science,  information & communication sciences, Avignon University

A seminar of the ambassadors of HAL is planned this autumn  to define the work programme of the coming year.

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