Online training: you’ve been there in 2020!

Written by Agnès Magron

Visuel Formez-vous en ligne Last year, 928 of you took the online training courses offered by the CCSD! Intended for researchers, designed and animated by the 5 persons of the support and assistance team, these one-hour online sessions are a great success.

They bring together about twenty participants each week, but they were fully booked (30 people) at the end of the year: the CRAC and Ribac activity report feeding campaigns for CNRS researchers have indeed boosted registrations.

90% of the participants say they are satisfied, to the great pleasure of the trainers who see these webinars as a way to be closer to the researchers. Questions/answers by chat during a session allow participants to interact and quickly answer each other’s questions.

Two sessions are scheduled every Thursday:

  • one is dedicated to the deposit where the deposit preferences and the déposit form are presented, as well as how to manage the publications. The most frequent queries concern legal issues, the types of documents that can be deposited and the definition of certain concepts such as the DOI identifier. In 2020, 37 sessions were attended by a total of 645 researchers.
  • the other presents the idHAL and the CV, how to create and manage them. Questions about the ORCID come up regularly, as well as the notion of author form and the link with publications. A total of 20 sessions were attended by 283 researchers in 2020.

All the sessions are in french. If you are interested in attending one or the other, the session schedule and registration links are available here.

In 2021, the team enriches its offer with a new online training course which is addressed to the research structure referents and to the collection managers, in order to help them to take in hand and to exploit these two roles in HAL as well as possible. The session format is a little longer (2h30): these user privileges in HAL will be presented, as well as the management and the use of the research structures authority files, and the management of the collections. The first session, sheduled on march, 2 is already full but others will be programmed. The registration form is available here.