Integrate Episciences into EOSC’s catalog of services

Written by Agnès Magron

Episciences is a partner of OpenAIRE for a response to the European call for projects INFRA-EOSC which aims to increase the service offer of the European open science cloud (EOSC) portal. And, good news, the OpenAIRE Nexus project has been selected!

Episciences will be a part of the package and will be integrated into the European Cloud Services catalog, interfacing with other OpenAIRE Nexus services. This will include interconnecting Episciences with Zenodo. Researchers will be able to submit a preprint deposited in zenodo to an Episciences journal. It will also interface Episciences with the OpenAIRE statistics system, OpenCitations, Scholexplorer and OpenAIRE PROVIDE. Episciences will also be able to use the authentication system of the identity federation used by EOSC.

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an initiative of the European Commission that aims to co-construct an Internet of FAIR data, on all levels: social, technical, legal and economic, and to promote the development and coordination of the infrastructures and services that condition it. The European Commission provides financial support for its implementation through projects under the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020).

The OpenAIRE Nexus project was officially launched on January 19 and 20: see the OpenAIRE website for more information.

With the funding obtained from FNSO to improve interoperability with HAL (see post), this partnership with OpenAIRE will enable Episciences to extend its peer reviewing service offering.

Mise à jour 11/03/2021 : visionner l’enregistrement  OpenAIRE Nexus Public Launch | Portfolio PUBLISH