The first meeting of the partners assembly

Written by Agnès Magron

The Partners Assembly met for the first time on 1 July. This was a key step in the implementation of the new governance of the CCSD: it was the opportunity to elect representatives to the Steering Committee as well to organise initial discussions.

The Partners Assembly is one of the bodies of the new governance of the CCSD, composed of a steering committee, an orientation committee and an international scientific council. It gathers the representatives of the 132 institutions having a HAL portal.
The role of the partners assembly is to relay the needs of institutions as users of HAL, and to promote exchanges and information sharing between institutions.

It is organised in two colleges: the first (College A) includes 112 universities, schools and major establishments and the second (College B) gathers 20 research organisations. It should be noted that the CCSD’s supervisory organisations (CNRS, Inria and INRAE) are members of the steering committee and do not participate to the assembly.

Election of representatives

For this first session, the 2 colleges elected their representatives. The elected persons are :

  • for college A: Nicolas Alarcon (University of La Réunion), Chérifa Boukacem-Zeghmouri (University of Lyon 1), Nicolas Fressengeas (University of Lorraine) and Marie-Madeleine Géroudet (University of Lille).
  • for college B: Françoise Rousseau (CEA).

They will sit on the Steering Committee which coordinates the needs of all CCSD users and which will meet in autumn 2021.

Programme of the day
After a welcome by Nathalie Fargier, the director of the CCSD, the morning was devoted to the life of the assembly. Hélène Begnis, animator of HAL users’ networks, then presented a panorama of the assembly elaborated from a survey distributed to the representatives. This survey also had the objective of polling the members on the lines of reflection and to collect their suggestions.
After a time for the elected representatives to speak, several people from the CCSD presented a report on HAL and the projects in progress.
The afternoon began with a presentation by Kathleen Shearer, executive director of COAR (Confederation of open access repositories), on the challenges of bibliodiversity.

Five workshops were then co-facilitated by each elected representative in pairs with members of the CCSD team. The theme were :

  • Which strategies to increase the fulltext in HAL?
  • Which indicators in HAL in order to facilitate the monitoring of the research?
  • Publications and associated research data in HAL
  • Referentials and affiliations
  • Which tracks to optimize the moderation of the deposits in HAL?

A synthesis of the exchanges was then presented in plenary.
The members of the assembly participated actively in those workshops. The meeting was indeed held entirely by videoconference and gathered more than a hundred persons.