Version of October, 5th 2020
Bug Fixes
- #41: Bug fixes on automatic reminders, especially those related to requests for revisions
- #287: corrected a duplicate display of some email templates; some custom templates were not translated
- #304 : correction of a bug related to the « re-invitation of a reviewer ».
- #308: Fixed a bug that allowed to answer an invitation request with a temporary account if you were already logged in.
- #310: Correction of the tooltip related to the delay, for automatic reminders related to reviewing
- #294 : Copy editing by the author: Fixed a bug that caused file names to be changed.
News and changes
- #207: It is possible to upload several files when uploading a temporary version.
- #257: We had to add a CAPTCHA (hCaptcha) to limit the creation of accounts by robots. This is a test phase, if the results are insufficient the CAPTCHA may be removed, or be proposed as an option at the choice of the journal.
- #306: Refuse to manage an article: If the editor refuses to manage the article, the system automatically deletes the assignment and sends an email to the editor in chief, secretary and administrator. This is independent of the journal setting: « When an article is submitted, updated or refused, notify the: »
- #280: Copy editing: the roles (editor-in-chief, admin, secretary, copy editing) can restart the procedure (i.e. request new sources from the author). Copy editing by the journal: addition of a checkbox: « OK, continue without attachment(s). »
Ergonomic improvements
- #311: Addition of a link allowing to go from the article management page to the article page and vice versa
- #299: improvement of user experience and error messages related to the submission of a new document or a new version
- Code refactoring and optimizations
- Updating translations.
Thank you to all the contributors for the time spent on this update.