Episciences Release notes

Written by Raphaël Tournoy

Release notes from 2019-09-09


  • Email Attachment files have to be downloaded, they are no longer displayed on the browser, whatever the file type
  • HTML files must be downloaded, they are not displayed in the browser
  • Enhancements related to user session management


New features and changes

  • Reviewers may access their previous review reports, even for old versions of articles
  • Dashboard: documents are sorted by date
  • Better display of reports boxes and reviewers ; improvement on database design
  • The cover letter is visible when the reviewer chooses to accept or refuse the review
  • If they are encapsulated, reviewers won’t be visible in other volumes of the journal. When a reviewer is invited to review a paper in a special volume and the journal has selected « Encapsulate reviewers » , the system will only recognize the reviewer who are members of this special volume.
  • Journal settings / a new parameter allows the journal either to allow, force or forbid an author to choose a section
  • Journal settings / Selecting an editor: the journal can force the author to select one, and only one editor
  • New export format: DataCite, allow journal editors to prepare XML files to request DOIs at DataCite. This is the first step to more work to allow automatic addition of DOIs to published articles.
  • Journal settings / a new parameter allow to choose the DOI prefix for the journal and the DOI format using a template. This template will be used is the Datacite export format.
  • Dashboard : new listing: « Articles without reviewers »
  • Journal settings: Domains and Description are no longer displayed as parameters, they were never used


Bug Fixes

  • Secondary volume cannot be deleted if they already have articles
  • Fixes about the display of some review criteria on the public page of an article. (If the journal chooses to display reviews on public pages)
  • Fixes concerning the display of the role « Guest editor »
  • Fixes on the volume creation and update form, plus minor user interface improvements
  • OAI-PMH : fixes on the oai_dc and TEI format. OAI endpoint is available at: https://oai.episciences.org
  • Fixed a bug that allowed an author to find the Editor of his/her article using search functionalities