A new director for the CCSD

Written by Agnès Magron

2020 begins with a change at the head of the CCSD: Nathalie Fargier replaces Christine Berthaud who is retiring.

Nathalie Fargier was previously the director of Persée, an unit which manages a portal for the dissemination of scientific publications of the same name. After joining Science Po Grenoble, she continued studying human and social sciences in Paris. She was then admitted to Enssib and obtained the diploma of library curator. Before Persée, Nathalie Fargier worked in various fields, all in connection with scientific and digital information: subscriptions to electronic resources, acquisition of databases and heritage digitization. In 2017, she received the CNRS crystal medal.

Regarding the departure of Christine Berthaud

The years under her leadership marked a change of scale for the CCSD. It has become a joint service unit under the supervision of the CNRS, the INRIA, the University of Lyon and then INRAé, and is now a key component of the French policy in favor of open science, notably through HAL. Today, 143 institutions, establishments and research organizations use this shared open archive to manage and enhance their scientific production. Internationally, the CCSD is recognized for its strong involvement in the main open archive networks, the most recent example of which is the hosting in Lyon of the COAR annual Conference in 2019.

Christine Berthaud has also co-founded with mathematician Jean-Pierre Demailly Episciences, an open access journal hosting platform allowing the organization of peer reviewing of manuscripts deposited in HAL or arXiv. Other innovations and experiments include the implementation of the Triple Store data.archives-open archives, which proposes HAL data in the basic language of the semantic web, thus allowing to amplify a better exploitation. We should also mention the work engaged under her leadership to facilitate the use and the appropriation of HAL by its users which will still constitutes a priority stake for the future.

Thank you Christine for your professional commitment, your personal investment and your human qualities. The CCSD is now a solid and recognized structure, supported by a team that you largely constituted and which appreciated to work with you.