Number of deposits in the database in 2018 :
- Files: 91 058 (+20%)
- Annex: 1 647
- Bibliographic records: 160 004
- 8 638 imports from STAR to TEL
Transfers of documents in 2018: 2 217 to arXiv, 3 885 to RePec
Total number of idHAL author identifiers: 23 997 ; number of idHAL created in 2018: 5 451 ; number of idHAL with an ORCID: 9 779 ; number of idHAL with an idRef: 2 013
Referencing in Pubmed (linkout service): 6 352 files reported in Pubmed, of which 779 in 2018
Institutional portals
- 10 new institutional portals were: COMUE Paris-Seine, Université de Lille, Université Lyon 1, Université de Lyon 2, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Réseau National des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, EM Lyon, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CNAM
Collections: 842 collections created in 2018, (laboratory collections: 342)
- 6 716 Conférences, 1776 created in 2018 (+11%). Average of 148 new conferences per month
- 3 877 use the editorial management module :171 336 abstracts, 49 468 fulltext (2 094 abstracts for the thermec2018 conference)
- 2 603 transfers to HAL
- 4 217 use the registration module :287 632 registrations
- 1 375 use the payment module (983 with online payment)
12 journals:
- dmtcs – Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
- elpub – ELectronic PUBlishing
- jdmdh – Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities
- jips – Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système
- math-universalis – Mathematica Universalis
- hrj – Hardy-Ramanujan Journal
- jimis – Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Sciences
- lmcs – Logical Methods in Computer Science
- epiga – Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique
- arima – Revue Africaine de la Recherche Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées
- Slovo – Slovo
- societes-plurielles – Sociétés plurielles
Total number of published articles: 3 106 articles
- New document type “software” developped in partnership with Software Heritage
- Dynamic bot detection module for consultation data (collab. ezPAARSE)
- Kibana interface for data visualization (beta release for portal administrators in January 2019)
- New fields in the deposit form: DOI of research data available on another platform, bioRxiv identifier
- Improved CV customization
- Improvement of SEO in connection with Scholar Google team
- Inventory of data for RGPD compliance
- HCERES Portal: adaptation of document types and associated metadata, data import script, solR setup, new field indexing and facet creation
- Prodinra integration: data mapping (document types and associated metadata), identity federation
In 2018, developments focused on improvements on the Sciencesconf.org portal and in registration management.
- Interoperability with HAL is enhanced: new SWORD format export to HAL, link with AureHAL for the affiliations
- A Spanish version of the Sciencesconf portal has been put online
- Migration of users documentation on a WordPress site: https://doc.sciencesconf.org/
- Improved ergonomics
- Evolution of the Reviewer Invitation module
- Merging accounts with other CCSD applications
- Improved traceability of articles during the publication cycle, including the addition of a unique identifier for each article throughout its release cycle
- Work on redesigning the publication of an article in partnership with journal editorial support teams
- Migration of documentation on the dedicated platform: https://doc.episciences.org
A survey was conducted of the editors-in-chief of the overlay journals currently hosted on the platform in order to identify their uses and expectations ( internship, Master 2 Digital Publication, Enssib)
Infrastructure and organization
- New NAS: increased storage and improved performance
- Continuing the virtualization process (adding 5 supervisors), reducing the number of physical machines (19 old servers stopped), increasing the number of virtual machines
- Switching all services to PHP 7
- Upgrade of software solutions (streaming server, mathJax, video player, Grobid, …)
- KVM installation for remote infrastructure management.
Presentations and communications
- April: Scientific communication: How to share my research in open access (poster), 2nd CEE Conference, Paris
- May 23: The open archive HAL, DARIAH Annual Event 2018, Paris
- June 1: CASUHAL 2018 (How to begin with HAL, API HAL, AuréHAL)
- June 7: HAL, archive commune et partagée (poster) Forum des archives ouvertes institutionnelles (AOI), SciencesPo, Paris
- June 22-24: Christine Berthaud, Agnès Magron. Build added value on an open archive HAL-related applications (poster). ELPUB2018 – 22nd International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Jun 2018, Toronto, Canada. 〈hal-01906201〉
- October 2: Les enjeux de la science ouverte en Sciences humaines (table ronde), In Visu : 10 ans de recherche et d’innovation, Paris
- November 5: La modération dans HAL, Journée des référents HAL Normands, Mont-Saint-Aignan
- November 20: HAL, optimisation du référencement et de la diffusion des contenus, Journée Couperin : Visibilité des archives ouvertes, Villeurbanne
- November 28-29: The Episciences journals – an overview (poster), 13th Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing, Tromsø
- December 18: L’identité numérique du chercheur, Journée Open science, Université Paris 13
Book fair
- March 24-27: Book Fair, Paris, BSN Stand.
- April 25-27: Web Conference 2018, CCSD-Persée stand, Lyon
- Users feedback : new interface submitting. License DIST (Data and Scientific and Technical Information) of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Evolution of the HAL statistics module: survey of portal administrators
- Episciences : a survey to better know our users, Master 2 Digital Publication Enssib.
Training courses for portal administrators: before the opening of a portal, an administrator training is organized which can participate from 1 to 10 people, depending on the project.
In 2018: 7 trainings for a total of 66 people.
March 27: Paris Saclay (invitation): manage a portal / manage a collection
April 5: URFIST of Lyon: MAP laboratory Microbiology, adaptation and pathogenesis of Lyon 1
April 24: INRA Montpellier (invitation as part of the INRA portal project)
September 28: SPM Lyon: portal project
October 2: URFIST Lyon: How to valorize the HAL deposits of the laboratory
February 5: Building a Researcher’s Online Identity, University of Grenoble, doctoral training (Magron)
March 5: Research data – data in HAL, University Lyon 1 (Kuntziger)
May 24: HAL and the CCSD services, ENSSIB (Elizeon)
November 22: HAL, ENSSIB (Elizeon)
CCSD organizes on-demand training for organized groups.
March 27: University of Orleans (7 participants)
October 1st : Montpellier for the DR13 of the CNRS (12 participants)
November 13: AUF (15 participants)