At the beginning of the year, the CCSD published its 2025 Action Plan. Validated by the Steering Committee, it sets out the projects for the three platforms (HAL, Episciences and Sciencesconf) in line with the priorities set out in the roadmap.
The team is continuing its basic work on the three platforms: production management, maintenance, support and guidance. It plans 19 actions for 2025, based on the main themes of the roadmap: to anchor the CCSD in the open science ecosystem at national and international level; to strengthen the use of HAL, Episciences and Sciencesconf; and to ensure the sustainability of the services offered by the three platforms.
This year’s plan distinguishes between new and ongoing actions.
New actions
1. Exploratory study aimed at integrating HAL+ into the European ecosystem, notably the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).
2. Association of licences for files deposited in HAL to improve HAL’s compliance with Open Science standards of excellence.
3. Optimization of harvesting and visibility of HAL by content aggregators and bibliographic databases.
4. Improvement of the detection of duplicates by HAL portals to facilitate the work of administrators and collection managers.
5. Provision of an English version of the HAL user documentation (Phase 1).
6. Implementation of specific actions for HAL portal administrators, collection managers, and technical validators.
7. Implementation of new web interfaces for the journal websites hosted on Episciences: harmonisation and improved accessibility.
8. Creation of Metopes-compatible layouts for use by the editorial teams of the journals distributed on Episciences.
9. Definition of new open peer review features for the Episciences platform.
10. Establishment of the Strategic Orientation Committee of the Episciences platform.
11. Design and implementation of new web interfaces for scientific events organised with Sciencesconf.
Continuation of actions
12. Renewal of the application to include HAL+ in the Ministry’s roadmap for research infrastructures
13. Second stage of linking the publications present in HAL, datasets and software: deployment of the service
14. Finalisation of the reorganisation of the HAL user documentation
15. Enrichment in educational resources of the HAL training hub: design, creation and provision.
16. In person meeting of the HAL partners’ assembly.
17. Development of the HAL ambassadors system
18. Public monitoring of the operation and availability of the infrastructure.
19. Ensuring high availability of the infrastructure: migration of databases to the cluster
Some of these actions are programmed within the framework of Equipex+ HALiance, as well as in two new FNSO projects, nepHAL+ and Edisciences, or the SoFAIR project.
See also the document : Action plan 2025 (PDF)