Change log for version 1.0.2
This version is the first major update since the code was released under the GPL version 3 license on December 23, 2020. Although some of the corrections below were released online well before they were announced.
The software code is available online:
As well as the new API component of the platform:
The previous branch of the non-free code is abandoned in favor of the free public version.
You may now use Github issues for submitting public feature requests and public bug reports. You may also use the usual support system, for private issues or if you want us to create issues for you online. Our previous issues in the private repository will be transferred to Github later, if the issues are still open and of public interest.
Bug Fixes
- #78: Fixed several display issues with metadata retrieved from open archives
- #328 : Automatic reminders : Fixed a display bug that allowed an inconsistent choice
- #335 : Emails : fixed bugs with links in emails sent by the platform.
- #342: If the journal allows it, exchanges are possible between the author and the reviewers, as long as the article is not refused, reviewed, accepted or published
- #344: Bug fix: Impossibility to submit an article in a special volume (not protected by a code), if the journal allows it.
- #345: Fixed bug when deleting a reviewer with a temporary account
- #352: Uploading files that exceed the maximum size allowed: improved error handling
- #355: Translation bug of the review deadline, now it is translated in the template language
- #358: Fixed inconsistent expiration of review invitation, the expiration date of a review invitation was treated differently for reviewers and for editors.
- #368: Fixed a bug when inserting resources (image, zip, etc.) in a presentation page of the journal
- #380: Fixed a bug that could prevent the display of reviews in case of deletion of a reviewer
- #356: Fixed a bug on automatic reminders that did not work in some cases if the article had several versions
Updates and new features
- #125: Review the order of reviewers: For new submissions, each reviewer keeps the same unique designation « Reviewer n » (Alias) in all versions of a submission. For existing submissions, the reviewer will get the alias of the last reviewed version, which he will keep in all subsequent versions.
- #295: Sending notifications to the editorial board of the journal can be summarized as follows:
- A different email for each person, at the time of the first submission
- Via the BCC field, for the request of modification or invitation of a reviewer
- Via the CC field, for other actions
- #315: Updates related to the positioning strategy of an article in a volume, now using a permanent identifier
- #316, #354: Display of rejected reviews on :
- The administration page of the article in the « Reviewers » section.
- The administration page of the list of articles in the « Reviewer » column
- The reviewer’s dashboard.
- #320: Reply to a review request: Added an option « Reply without submitting a version », allowing the author to exchange directly with the editorial board
- #323 : Uninvited reviewers and their reviews are displayed in a separate block (eg admin/editors doing a review) and it is possible to remove an uninvited reviewer from the list of reviews, if the review has not yet started
- #329: Improvements on the reminder management module.
- #333: Decline a review invitation: place the « I changed my mind! « button at the same level as « Confirm my refusal ».
- #339: Website > Optional display of photos and silhouette thumbnails of editorial team members (added a setting to display or not the photos)
- #350: The « reviewed » status is now linked to the review parameter « Minimum number of reviews required », defined by the journal
- #362: Added, in the template of the journal « Request for formatting by the author (copy for the author) » a TAG %%VOLUME_EDITORS%% that allows to generate the names of the editors of a volume.
- #375 The display of reviewers (with a temporary account) on the article management page (reviewers column) was ignored, if the article had not been previously assigned to at least one reviewer (with a real account)
- Updates and bug fixes of third party components used, e.g. formatting toolbar used for emails, web page editing or comments.
- Update of the infrastructure (web servers)
- Crossref XML export format usable for Crossref DOIs and article metadata for DOAJ
- Work in progress on a zbJATS XML export format for zbMATH Open
- Automatic DOI assignment module via Crossref with prefix 10.46298
- DOIs are being assigned to journals that do not yet have one. DOI assignment is managed and funded by the CCSD.
- Updated various parts of the web interfaces:
- Added a search box to the top menu bar
- Added a specific button for account creation
- Added a customizable footer in the journal settings
- Addition of an information bar on cookies and a notice on personal data
- #313 New automatic page ‘Browse by publication date’.
- The display of authors in the metadata is now in the form « First name Last name ».
- New icons in the dashboard for the status of articles
- Icons for members created according to their initials
- We have updated our OAI-PMH repository for compatibility with OpenAIRE V3 guidelines, V4 compatibility is in progress and will allow integration of article metadata into OpenAIRE Provide.
- Creation of a reporting API for the OpenAIRE Nexus project
- #1 Improved search performance in the Dashboard using the multi-criteria search field
- We have released a statistics dashboard (Menu « Journal/Statistics », this feature is available in test to editors, editorial secretaries and journal administrators. Other statistics are planned and we are interested in the first feedbacks on this feature.
Thank you to all the contributors for the time spent on this update