Episciences is now compatible with bioRxiv and medRxiv

Written by Agnès Magron

Episciences strengthens its multidisciplinary approach by adding bioRxiv and medRxiv to the list of open repositories that authors can use to submit their manuscripts to journals hosted on the platform.

bioRxiv and medRxiv join HAL, arXiv and Zenodo as supported repositories.

Episciences: workflow schema

bioRxiv is dedicated to life sciences research, and medRxiv focuses on clinical research. Inspired by arXiv, these repositories are managed by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. During the COVID pandemic, they became key players in the rapid dissemination of research before it was submitted to scientific journals. They are usually referred to as “preprint servers” rather than open archives, but the principle is the same: authors submit their documents so that they can be widely disseminated to their communities.

Episciences is designed as an overlay service for open archives, enabling preprints to be integrated into an editorial workflow, including a peer review stage. When an article is accepted for publication, the open archive is usually automatically updated with the publication references (DOI identifier, journal title, publication date, etc.), while the different versions of the full text (preprint, any intermediate versions, published version) are hosted in the open archive. Peer-review reports can be opened and posted online along with the published article.

To submit a preprint to a journal published on Episciences, the author creates an account and logs on to the journal’s website, selects the repository hosting the preprint and provides the document identifier. The journal’s editorial team then takes over. All communication between the editorial team, reviewers and authors takes place via the platform.

Life sciences and clinical research are not yet represented among the 30 journals currently published on Episciences. By linking up with bioRxiv and medRxiv, the platform offers groups in these disciplines the opportunity to adopt this publication model.

Episciences is open to the creation of new journals or the hosting of existing ones, wishing to evolve towards an overlay model and diamond-type open access.



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