The CCSD publishes its 2023 action plan

Written by Agnès Magron

The 2023 action plan sets out the projects for the three platforms (HAL, Episciences, and Scienceconf) in connection with the axes of the road map.

The team goes on its substantive actions on the 3 platforms: production management, maintenance, and support. It is planning 20 actions for 2023, based on the main lines of the roadmap: anchor the CCSD within the Open Science and knowledge ecosystem in a durable and exemplary way and assert its leadership; increase usage of HAL, Episciences and Sciencesconf; and ensure the sustainability of the service offer of the three platforms.

The 20 actions

  1. A new way of software deposit in HAL
  2. Improvement of the research funders referencing linked to publications
  3. Referencing of the Research Infrastructures listed in the the national road map
  4. Mutualisation between the Equipex+ HALiance and Commons
  5. Evolution of the authentication server of Episciences and Sciencesconf
  6. Finalisation of the deployment of the domain name
  7. General Terms and Conditions of Use (GCU) for HAL, Episciences and Sciencesconf
  8. Contract agreement between Episciences and the hosted journals
  9. Implementation of a new way of feeding HAL by a selective publications’ harvesting (fulltext)
  10. Feasibility study for DOI assignment in HAL
  11. Organisation of the moderation in HAL
  12. Functional enrichment and ergonomic evolution of Episciences
  13. Link between HAL and preprint review services
  14. Finalisation of the deployment of the new interfaces of HAL
  15. Definition of new training methods for the user communities of HAL, Episciences and Sciencesconf
  16. Evolution of HAL, Episciences and Sciencesconf user documentation
  17. Information and awareness with the ambassador program
  18. Episciences communication and community management
  19. New support model for diamond journals
  20. Improvement of the infrastructure and hosted data security.

Some of these actions are included in the framework of the funded projects HALiance, HALOWIN, and OpenAIRE Nexus.


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