Since October 13th, the metadata of articles published on Episciences are automatically enriched using OpenAIRE services. This enrichment is possible thanks to the OpenAIRE Nexus project, which implements a set of services coordinated by OpenAIRE to facilitate interactions between different partners of the open science world.
Producing rich metadata associated with content (a journal article in the case of Episciences) that can be used by machines improves its visibility and makes it easier to Find (the F of FAIR principles). For example, adding an ORCID to the author of an article completes the metadata associated with the DOI of that article. This allows any system using the DOI to identify the author securely in its environment.
The enriched metadata of publications is then made Accessible via several formats and APIs. It can be retrieved via the OAI-PMH repository but also from the page of each article which offers exports in BibTeX, TEI, Dublin Core, OpenAIRE, Crossref, DOAJ, ZbMath Open, JSON formats.
To improve Interoperability, meaningful links are added between metadata resources. For example, linking preprints to the journal’s published article or linking authors to their ORCIDs, ROR affiliations, etc.
Metadata Reuse is improved thanks to enriched export formats, they are then retrieved by different partners such as OpenAIRE via OpenAIRE Provide and Crossref. They will enrich metadata corpora such as OpenAIRE Research Graph.
The OpenAIRE Nexus project federates data producers, services and analysis tools to create synergies to facilitate sharing, tracking and discovery of resources.
By interfacing with other OpenAIRE Nexus services, Episciences can extract and enrich its own metadata:
- the ORCID identifier of the authors (OpenAIRE Research Graph)
- the research project identifier (OpenAIRE Research Graph),
- the license (Datacite, OpenAIRE Research Graph),
- DOI of datasets linked to the article (ScholeXplorer),
- DOI of documents that cite the article (OpenCitations).
ORCID identifiers and affiliations (free text or ROR linked) can also be added or modified at any time in the article management interface.
The metadata and the source of the metadata are displayed on the articles, as shown in the example below:
Updates are made every month. Some information is also provided by HAL if the author has submitted his/her preprint via a deposit in the open archive.
Work continues on the automatic retrieval of new metadata from OpenAIRE, HAL, arXiv and Zenodo. By participating in the OpenAIRE Nexus project, Episciences is integrated into the OpenAIRE service catalogue and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service catalogue. The platform thus consolidates its service offer.
OpenAIRE aims to promote and implement the European Commission’s guidelines on the promotion and funding of science and research. Since its inception in 2008, OpenAIRE has grown through a series of projects funded by the European Commission. It is an infrastructure federating tools and services for finding, storing, linking and analyzing scientific output from all disciplines
The ambition of EOSC is to provide European researchers, inventors, companies and citizens with a federated and open multidisciplinary environment where they can publish, find and reuse data, tools and services for research, innovation and education.
Episciences has received support from OpenAIRE and its services, notably for the integration of its service in the OpenAIRE Nexus project: funding from the European Commission grant 101017452 “OpenAIRE Nexus – OpenAIRE-Nexus Scholarly Communication Services for EOSC users”.